Components that are usually replaced during routine car servicing

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Service Routine is key to ensuring your car remains in top condition and operates well. One important aspect of this routine service is replacing components or spare parts that have been used for a long time or require special attention. The following are several components that must be replaced regularly on your car.

1. Was

Oil is a vital component in maintaining the health of a car engine. Apart from being a lubricant, oil also helps absorb heat produced by the engine. Over time, the oil will become contaminated by dirt and small particles that collect in the engine. Therefore, regular oil changes are essential to prevent excessive friction within the engine, which can result in uncontrolled wear and even fatal damage to engine components.

2. Filter Oli

The oil filter is the main guardian of engine health by filtering dirt and small particles from the oil. Without a properly functioning filter, dirt can enter the engine system directly and cause faster wear. Regularly changing the oil filter will help keep the oil quality clean and functioning optimally, so that the performance of the car engine is maintained and the engine lives longer.

3. Accu

Accu is the main source of power for a car's electrical system, which includes everything from starting the engine to running various electronic systems. However, with use and age, batteries can experience decreased performance or even wear. Regular battery replacement is very important to ensure the car's electrical system continues to run smoothly and prevent problems related to unstable electrical voltage.

Also Read:Car Care and Service to Make It Last Longer

4. Busi

The spark plug is the part that is responsible for burning the fuel and air mixture in the engine combustion chamber. Worn or dirty spark plugs can reduce combustion efficiency, cause decreased power, increased fuel consumption, or even damage to other engine components. Therefore, regular replacement of spark plugs is very important to maintain optimal combustion, fuel efficiency and good engine performance.

5. Brake fluid lining

Brake fluid is a critical component in a car's braking system. Worn lining can reduceeffectiveness braking, increasing braking distances, and even increasing the risk of accidents. Therefore, it is important to check and replace the brake fluid linings regularly according to the car manufacturer's recommendations. By keeping your brake linings in optimal condition, you can ensure the driving safety of you and your passengers.

6. Clutch Pad

The clutch lining is responsible for transmitting power from the engine to the car's transmission. Worn linings can cause clutch slippage, difficulty shifting gears, or even damage to other transmission components. By replacing the clutch lining regularly, you can maintain the performance of your car's clutch and extend the service life of this component, as well as avoid transmission-related problems.

7. From Belt

The fan belt is the part that drives various important components such as the radiator fan, generator and AC compressor. Loose or worn belts can cause problems with the car's cooling system or power generation system. Regularly checking and replacing fan belts will help maintain the performance of these systems, prevent engine overheating, and maintain your driving comfort.

8. ATF oil

Automatic transmission fluid (ATF) is important for maintaining car transmission performance. Dirty or too old ATF oil can reduce transmission efficiency and performance, as well as cause damage to transmission components. By changing the ATF oil regularly according to the manufacturer's recommendations, you can maintain optimal transmission performance and extend the service life of transmission components.

9. Oli Power Steering

Power steering oil is an important fluid in the power steering system which helps make steering a car easier. Oil that is dirty or too old can cause damage to the power steering system and increase the risk of accidents. Make sure to check and change the power steering fluid regularly to maintain the performance of the power steering system and your driving safety.

10. Tire Rotation & Balancing

Regular tire rotation helps prevent uneven wear on car tires, which can increase tire life and optimize vehicle performance. Additionally, tire balancing helps prevent unwanted vibrations while driving, which can reduce the comfort and stability of your vehicle. By regularly rotating and balancing tires, you can ensure optimal driving performance and safety.

Check your car components with Prima Auto Care

Don't neglect your car's routine maintenance. Be sure to regularly inspect and replace components that are subject to wear or require special attention. However, if you have multiple cars such as an office car, consider using one Prima Auto Care & Sales. That way, you can ensure your vehicle fleet remains in top condition without having to worry about individual maintenance. Take good care of your car and enjoy safe and smooth driving comfort.

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