Emergency Management to Overcome Brake Failure Situations

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One of the most common causes of traffic accidents is brake failure. Know how to deal with it before it happens!

Traffic accidents are a scourge that always stalks drivers on the highway. One of the biggest fears when driving is experiencing brake failure, an event that can be a disaster on the road. However, with a good understanding of what brake failure is, its causes, and how to treat and prevent it, we can reduce the risk of accidents caused by this condition.

What is brake failure?

Brake failure, or in more technical terms known as failed vehicle brakes, is a serious and potentially dangerous situation for the driver and passengers. When the brake system fails to function properly, drivers lose control of their vehicle, which can lead to serious or even fatal accidents.

In situations like this, it is important for the driver to remain calm and try to control the vehicle as best as possible by using the emergency brake or other driving techniques. Additionally, drivers should immediately find a safe place to stop and repair brake problems as quickly as possible.

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Causes of Brake Failure

1. Wear on brake components

Wear on the brake discs and brake linings is a common problem that occurs due to regular vehicle use. When these components wear, their surfaces become uneven and less effective at generating the friction needed to slow or stop a vehicle. Using the brakes in situations that require more intensive braking, such as when driving in hilly areas or with heavy loads, can speed up the wear process.

2. Leaks in the hydraulic system

The hydraulic system in a vehicle uses brake fluid to transfer pressure from the brake pedal to other braking components. Leaks in this system can occur due to worn brake hoses, cracked wheel cylinders, or leaks in the master cylinder. These leaks result in a loss of hydraulic pressure needed to move the brake calipers or wheel cylinders, thereby reducing the brake system's ability to stop the vehicle effectively.

3. Electronic braking system failure

Electronic braking technologies such as ABS and ESC aim to improve driver control and vehicle stability in emergency braking situations or when driving on slippery surfaces. However, failure of sensors or other components in this system can disrupt overall braking performance, even causing the brake system to fail to function completely.

4. Overheating of the brake disc or lining

Excessive use of the brakes, especially when driving at high speeds or in repeated braking situations, can cause an increase in the temperature of the brake discs or linings. When the temperature of the brake disc or lining exceeds safe limits, braking performance can decrease significantly due to a decrease in friction between these components.

5. Lack of periodic maintenance and service

Regular maintenance of the brake system is essential to ensure that all components function properly and are in optimal condition. Routine checks for component wear, brake fluid changes, and regular servicing can help detect potential problems before they become serious, as well as extend the service life of a vehicle's brake system.

Overcome brake failure while on the road

If your brakes fail while driving, a quick and precise reaction is very important.Always remember, the safety of you and other passengers must be the main priority when facing emergency situations such as brake failure on the road. Here are the steps to guide you in dealing with brake failure in an emergency situation:

1. Keep Calm

Maintain calm and don't panic. Quick and calm reactions will help you control the situation better.

2. Use the Emergency Brake or Handbrake

If the vehicle is equipped with an emergency brake or hand brake, immediately use this feature to slow the vehicle. The emergency brake is usually connected directly to the rear wheels and can provide additional braking.

3. Lower the Speed ​​by Shifting the Transmission

Try reducing the vehicle speed by shifting the transmission lever to a lower gear position. Downshifting will help slow the vehicle gradually without having to use the brakes.

4. Direct the Vehicle to a Safe Area

If possible, direct the vehicle to a safe and spacious area, such as the shoulder of the road or parking lot. Avoid making sudden braking or sudden changes in direction which can increase the risk of an accident.

5. Turn on the Hazard Lights

Make sure to turn on your hazard lights to alert other drivers that you are having trouble on the road.

6. Evaluate and Inspect Vehicle

Once the vehicle has stopped, calmly evaluate the situation and check the condition of the brakes and other braking systems. If possible, also check for leaks or damage to the brake system.

7. Call Emergency Assistance

If you cannot fix the problem yourself or feel it is unsafe to continue traveling, immediately contact the nearest emergency assistance service or mechanic for help.

Prevent brake failure

Prevention is key. To prevent brake failure, regularly carry out regular checks and services on your vehicle's brake system. Make sure the brake fluid is sufficient, the brake pads are not too worn, and the electronic brake system is functioning properly. Apart from that, avoid overloading the vehicle beyond its capacity and avoid braking too suddenly and hard which can trigger overheating of the brake system.

Also read: Components that are usually replaced during routine car servicing

Maintain Safety with PAR Car Rental Services

To ensure your vehicle is in top condition and avoid the risk of brake failure, it is important to choose a car rental service that you can trust. Prima Armada Raya car rental service offers the right solution by providing vehicles that have undergone regular routine servicing. Prima Armada Raya provides various types of cars for short and long term rental through Prima Fleet Services. This way, you can have peace of mind when driving, knowing that your vehicle has been properly maintained to avoid unwanted incidents such as brake failure. Your safety is the top priority!

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